Care & Cleaning

• Small or medium-sized bowl, depending on how much jewelry you are cleaning
• Warm water- Dish soap, preferably fragrance-free
• Rubbing Alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol) or NON-Acetone Nail Polish Remover*
• Toothbrush or nail brush with firm bristles
• Paper towels
* DO NOT put Emeralds, Pearls, Coral, Turquoise, Enamel, Plastic, Glued items or any other soft materials in solution mixed with nail Rubbing Alcohol or Nail Polish Remover!

• Begin by filling your bowl with warm water (enough to fully submerge your jewelry)
• Add a little dish soap to the bowl (enough to get the water sudsy)
• Add one cap full of Rubbing Alcohol or NON-Acetone Nail Polish Remover into the soapy water
• Place your jewelry gently into the bowl (be sure to spread items out so they are not touching)

• We recommend soaking jewelry overnight
• If you are in a rush, at least 30 minutes of soaking is recommended

• After soaking, take your jewelry out one piece at a time to scrub clean
• Dunk your toothbrush or nail brush with firm bristles into the cleaning solution
• Scrub your jewelry all around, focusing on the open areas where lotion, dirt, and debris have accumulated (like the back or sides)
* (Don't be afraid to scrub well. Your jewelry cannot be scratched by the nylon bristles of the brush)

• After scrubbing, rinse your jewelry under the tap to ensure the soapy solution is gone (IMPORTANT! Be sure the drain is closed before rinsing!)
• After rinsing, wrap each piece of jewelry individually in paper towel, then shake to remove all of the excess water (repeat with each piece of jewelry separately)

• Unwrap each piece of jewelry from the paper towels carefully to unveil your newly sparkling beauties